Coordinator: Lori Seaman


Caring Meals Ministry is available upon request to LCOR members during difficult, short-term circumstances such as surgery, illness, injury, arrival of a new child, etc. by contacting Lori Seaman at 765-432-3442.  This is one way we can minister to the physical needs of our church body, and it is a practical way to put our faith into action.

Lori and her family experienced firsthand the love of Christ through meals provided during her battle with cancer several years ago. The Lord placed this ministry on Lori's heart, and she has made Caring Meals Ministry a passion--BUT WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO HELP MAKE IT WORK!

As members have a need for meals, Lori will coordinate a schedule to share with volunteers using an on-line scheduling program called "Take Them a Meal." NOT A COOK? You can still sign up when an opportunity arises and donate a restaurant gift card, drop off a carry-out meal, or even donate a pre-made meal from the grocery store.  If you'd like to receive email notices of future meal needs, please click below.

 Volunteer Here

The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40)